FCBA, independent organization, accreditor of certification marks

Illustration AboutCertification... but not just anyhow
Photo toute l'équipe du FCBA

AboutCertification... but not just anyhow

Certification is a highly regulated profession, requiring rigor and impartiality.
Furniture requires a high level of technical expertise.

Discover who certifies your furniture and how.

FCBA, an independent organization accredited for certification marks

The FCBA technological institute is an accredited certifying body by COFRAC (Certification of Products and Services, no. 5-0011, scope available at cofrac.fr) according to the NF EN ISO 17065 standard, attesting to FCBA's impartiality, rigor, and competence in this field.
FCBA is recognized nationally and internationally for its expertise in the furniture industry.

To ensure the qualification and maintenance of certified products' compliance, we meticulously follow each step of the certification process: file review, evaluation, monitoring, and enforcement. Monitoring standards, reference framework updates, consultation with manufacturers, institutions, and consumers require meticulous attention to detail.

Technical and management rules are applied to everyone with strict impartiality and adherence to ethical principles. In the context of product evaluation and throughout their lifecycle, we have access to data for which we have an absolute duty of confidentiality.









In addition to certification, FCBA's missions are diverse and wide-ranging: study and research, standardization, information, design assistance, training, testing, expertise. They aim to promote technical progress and ensure quality and improvement in the industry.

The 3 pillars of certification


Regulatory Compliance

For a piece of furniture to be certified, it must first and foremost meet the regulatory requirements that apply to it (REACH, DGSP, etc.). Regulatory compliance is therefore a prerequisite for certification.

A certified product is necessarily in compliance with current regulations.


Technical Compliance

The product must also comply with the certification mark's reference framework, which includes requirements, test methods, and threshold values. We take into account test reports from laboratories accredited according to NF EN ISO 17025 for the relevant methods.

A certified product has undergone a technical evaluation.


Quality Management Compliance

Next, it must be ensured that the company is capable of consistently reproducing the certified product through quality management. Either the company has implemented an ISO 9001-certified quality management system, or a quality audit is conducted.

A certified product is produced using a rigorous and high-quality production process.

Focus on Technical Compliance

Certified products are evaluated according to a transparent reference framework listing our requirements. This document is regularly revised to incorporate regulatory changes and new customer expectations. We ensure that laboratory testing replicates how users interact with the product. Explore a few examples below...

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